Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 2

So, I thought it would be easier to keep my "personal" blog, and this "project" blog separate. But only will time will tell! Day 1 is on my personal blog...if I feel like moving it over here, I will. But I doubt it.

My cell phone. I love it, I hate it, I love to hate it. My senior year of high school I was given my dads old cell phone - I thought I was the coolest thing (of course, I got calls in the middle of the night wondering if I was Tom. Do I sound like a man to you?). I loved having a phone, I told people to call me anytime of day or night. And I answered.

Now, I hate having a cell phone. Most days I am very happy when it stays silent, very rarely do I hope it will ring, with someone on the other end who just wants to chat. I feel like cell phones are a curse now, and that everyone follows me no matter where I go. I can no longer get away from anyone. I try to always answer for my family, no matter what I'm doing. But everyone else...well, you can wait.
And by the way, if I didn't answer the first 7 times you tried calling me, I probably won't answer on the 8th try.


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