Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 17

My point of view.
I am slowly losing the visual of my feet!! Ah! This is what I normally see when I look down - sometimes this little girl likes to stick her butt out as far as possible and blocks the view of my feet. I realize this isn't "fat", this is "pregnant". But I feel fat, I can't help it. I don't care what size a woman starts out as, how well (or not well) she holds her preggo belly - - - pregnancy will make any woman feel fat. Think about it: your mid-section grows at an alarming rate (at least, alarming if you are not pregnant), and there is nothing she can do about it!! She has no say how fast it grows, how large it grows, or where it sits (high, low, right in the middle).
So if you see a pregnant woman looking depressed about her size, don't try to console her by telling her she looks good: tell her she will see her feet again very soon.


1 comment:

  1. On no! Your toes are disappearing!!! Lol, thats a really cute picture!
