Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 31

Oh, smoke alarm, how dost thou annoy me? Let me count the ways;
1) You go off when there is no smoke
2) You sound the alarm when I light a scented candle
3) You wait until I am tucked away and comfortably snuggled into bed to cry about nothing
4) You never let me forget there was once smoke in the room - you just keep crying
5) You always seem to wait until after 10:30pm to wake up - when I am in bed

I know smoke alarms/detectors can save our lives and homes. But it can get really annoying when they start going off at nothing, or just don't function properly. grrrr. I realize most of our "safety" products for our home are there to protect us, and they do...but I wish they would not speak unless spoken to.


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